Postdoctoral position in asymmetric heart morphogenesis (M/F)

19 février 2025
36 mois


75015 Paris, Île-de-France

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A propos

The Imagine Institute (IHU, ‘Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire’, INSERM U1163) is a recent research structure located within Necker Children’s Hospital (Paris).

Its research labs are focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms of genetic diseases that affect the adaptive and innate immune systems, the skeletal dysplasia, the nervous system, stem cell differentiation, kidney physiology, metabolism, etc.

Votre mission

A Postdoctoral position in asymmetric heart morphogenesis is open in the Imagine-Institut Pasteur Unit of Heart Morphogenesis, Paris, France

Keywords : left-right asymmetry, heart development, 3D morphogenetic mechanisms, quantitative image analysis, transcriptomics, mouse genetics, interdisciplinary collaborations

The heart functions in two parallel but asymmetric circuits, in which the right and left ventricles drive the pulmonary and systemic circulations, respectively. In the heterotaxy syndrome, abnormal left-right patterning of the embryo leads to a spectrum of severe structural heart defects, the heterogeneity of which remains puzzling. Whereas the molecular cascade breaking the bilateral symmetry of the early embryo has been well characterised, how asymmetry is sensed by organ-specific precursor cells to control organogenesis remains poorly understood. The Meilhac lab uses mouse as a model to elucidate basic mechanisms of asymmetric heart morphogenesis, uncover novel genetic players and explore how this relates to congenital heart defects in patients.

Previous work in the lab has characterized mouse models of heterotaxy and generated a large transcriptomic dataset to screen for novel asymmetric factors. A challenge is to understand their function at specific asymmetric steps of heart morphogenesis. The project will exploit interdisciplinary expertise at the forefront of developmental biology, computational science and pediatric cardiology. Using cutting-edge technologies in omics, mouse genetics and quantitative 3D imaging, the project will provide novel insights into basic morphogenesis mechanisms, while deciphering pathological processes in the heart, potentially relevant to other asymmetric visceral organs.

Location : our lab is located at the Institut Imagine, within the hospital Necker-Enfant Malades, and is part of the Dept of Developmental and Stem Cell Biology of the Institut Pasteur, which together offers a vibrant multidisciplinary and international research environment with state-of-the art technological platforms, downtown Paris.

The postdoctoral position is funded for 3 years by the FRM and is open ASAP.

Le profil idéal

Expected profile :

  • After a PhD in Life Sciences, you have a strong interest in developmental biology ;

  • Your previous research experience is solid in molecular biology or genetics ;

  • You value animal models ;

  • You work with rigour and creativity and enjoy team work.

To apply, please send a cover letter, CV and contact details of 3 references

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