Postdoctoral position - Monogenic kidney diseases (M/F)

19 février 2025
36 mois


75015 Paris, Île-de-France

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A propos

Premier pôle européen de recherche, de soins et d’enseignement sur les maladies génétiques créé en 2007 au cœur du campus de l’Hôpital Necker-Enfants malades. Sa mission ? Mieux comprendre les maladies génétiques pour mieux les guérir.

L’Institut Imagine est un endroit unique au monde qui rassemble chercheurs, patients, médecins et personnels de santé dans une architecture créatrice de synergies au service d’une même ambition : changer la vie des familles touchées par les maladies génétiques.

Votre mission

Background and rationale :

In the field of cutting-edge research and academic excellence, the NEPHRO-GAP project aims to develop an allele specific ASO-based therapy for monogenic kidney disease including steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome, a hereditary kidney disease that systematically progresses to end-stage renal failure. The identification of its genetic causes, the study of its pathophysiology and the development of new therapeutic solutions have been and continue to be the focus of intense research in the Hereditary Kidney Disease Laboratory at the Imagine Institute in Paris.

Objectives :

The aim of this funded (ANR) project is to test already identified gapmers ASOs for allele specific degradation of a monogenic kidney disease. The project will be carried out in the Hereditary Kidney Diseases Laboratory and will use different models such as kidney organoids and mice model to identify and test different ASOs. Cutting edge technologies (Targeted RNA sequencing, Single cell RNA sequencing …) and confocal imaging will be pivotal analyses of this project. Our lab already developed ASO based therapy for monogenic kidney diseases using kidney organoids.

Le profil idéal

Expected skills :

This project involves cell and organoid culture and therefore requires skills in cell culture as well as molecular biology and protein studies. In addition, the RNAseq aspect of this project involves bio-computing analyses, and skills in handling this tool are highly desirable.

Localization :

Imagine is a research institute in Paris specialized in the diagnosis, exploration and development of treatments for genetic diseases. Several project of gene therapy and personalized medicine are ongoing, conferring a favorable atmosphere. The post-doc candidate will be funded.

Duration :

36 months

Application :

Please include a covering letter and a detailed CV to your application

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